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All payments must be paid prior to any sessions or work done by Career Change What.  Payments are accepted by credit card, Apple pay and Venmo.


S C H E D U L I N G  +  C A N C E L L  A T I O N S

Sessions are through Google Meet video conferencing or by phone via Google Meet.


Scheduling sessions is the responsibility of the Client.  If Client is unable to find a time that works for them, they may be issued a refund within 30 days of original purchase of the session.


Cancellations or rescheduling of sessions must be done with more than 24 hours notice.  Clients are given one "last minute" cancellation or reschedule of less than 24 hours notice.  Any reschedules or cancellations outside of this policy may result in loss of session without a refund and/or termination of working relationship with Career Change What.


E X P I R A T I O N S    O F    S E R V I C E S

All orders are subject to 3 months expiration limit due to changes in services, quality, and pricing. If order is placed for service and Client chooses to not engage Career Change What within 3 months of order date, purchase is forfeited with no refund unless an exception has been agreed upon by Career Change What.


C A R E E R    C O A C H    S E S S I O N S

All coaching sessions for a single 1:1 career coaching session and for the bundle of three (3) 1:1 career coaching sessions are for the duration of 45 minutes unless otherwise stated.


The coaching session included for the Career Change Workshop is for the duration of one (1) hour unless otherwise stated. 


The Client agrees that Career Change What is responsible for guiding each session and creating an environment that maximizes the Client’s opportunity for personal growth, but the Client, not Career Change What, has ultimate responsibility for any results. The Client hereby commits to a coaching partnership to help him/her achieve defined personal and professional goals. 


O N L I N E    S U P P O R T

Career Change What will attempt to respond to all emails, DMs and google hangouts/chats within the online support portion of packages to be responded to within 24 hours during business days but cannot guarantee the timing.  


E A R L Y    R E G I S T R A T I O N 

Early registration is not guaranteed and permitted on a first come, first serve basis within the guidelines provided for each package period provided on the sale page.


T U R N A R O U N D    T I M E

Standard turnaround time for first drafts of a resume revamp or LinkedIn profile is 5 business days after receiving payment and completed intro form/questionnaire.


Final drafts of resumes part of resume revamps to be delivered within 5 business days of all first draft questions and inquiries answered by the Client.


If 30 days have passed since the date of order and the requested information has not been provided to Career Change What from the Client, Client forgoes the right to the standard turnaround time and project will be completed based upon the availability of Career Change What.  Such requests include: completing questionnaires, answering questions/inquiries from first drafts.



The Client must provide what is deemed a complete resume to Career Change What in order to begin a resume revamp.  If Career Change What does not feel the resume is complete enough to get started within 5 business days of receiving original resume, Career Change What reserves the right to decline the resume and will refund the Client the money paid for the resume revamp except the 2.9% processing fee charged by Wix. 


Career Change What does not do Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) and can only do a resume revamp (udate) based on being provided a resume.


E M A I L   O P T - I N

By providing your email for "freebies" you are also opting in for marketing emails by Career Change What. You have the right and option to unsubscribe at any time.


R E F U N D    P O L I C Y

Refunds may be requested within seven business days of payment for a service, so long as no sessions or access to proprietary information have been completed. There are no refunds for the Career Change Workshop. Any money owed to the Client will be refunded in the form of a PayPal refund within 30 days of the receipt of the cancellation notice.



All coaching relationships will be kept private and strictly confidential unless there is written permission by the Client.

In turn, the Client agrees to keep all Career Change What proprietary information private, unless written permission is provided.  Examples of such information are: guides, session decks, calculators and planning documents provided by Career Change What.


D I V E R S I T Y   A N D   I N C L U S I O N 

Career Change What is welcome to any and all no matter their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability.


Z E R O   T O L E R A N C E    P O L I C Y

Career Change What has a zero-tolerance policy against any hate-speech, discrimination or harassment of any kind. Any clients, employees or vendors who violate this policy will have their contract terminated immediately.

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